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Social and Emotional Learning Program - Curriculum

It is comprehensive Social and Emotional Learning Program for year 5 and year 7 students, and is informed by Current Research in the fields of Cognitive Neuroscience, Mindful Education, Social and Emotional Learning, Positive Psychology and evidence-based teaching practices.

The lessons aspires to:

• Develop students’ skills in focusing their attention

• Sharpen students’ awareness of their environment and themselves by paying attention to what they sense and feel

• Strengthen the positive human qualities students possess, including their capacity to understand the perspectives of others and to be empathic, helpful, and kind

• Increase students’ ability to problem solve: Foster a cohesive, caring learning environment and thereby an optimistic and reflective classroom

The lessons is easy to implement and they fit into the English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh school system

Lesson pack consists of six engaging lessons per year group.

The five main topics are: Awareness of thoughts and how they link into behaviours and emotions
• How to change emotions and self defeating behaviours
• How to develop confidence
• How to problem solve
• How to develop Self Acceptance

Framework for teachers to learn strategies to boost students social and emotional competencies and to create an optimistic and reflective classroom. en, contact Matt Broadway-Horner, Project Leader on mattbroadwayhorner@icloud.com

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For more information on of CBT for Schools program contact us or telephone 00442071939658

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